Amphocin, Fungizone
Abelcet, Amphotec, AmBisome
Classifications: antiinfective; antifungal antibiotic
Pregnancy Category: B


Abelcet 100 mg/20 mL suspension for injection

Amphotec 50 mg, 100 mg powder for injection

AmBisome 50 mg powder for injection

Fungizone 50 mg powder for injection; 100 mg/mL suspension; 3% cream, lotion, ointment


Fungistatic antibiotic produced by Streptomyces nodosus. Fungicidal at higher concentrations, depending on sensitivity of fungus.

Therapeutic Effects

Exerts antifungal action on both resting and growing cells at least in part by selectively binding to sterols in fungus cell membrane.


Used intravenously for a wide spectrum of potentially fatal systemic fungal (mycotic) infections including aspergillosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, disseminated candidiasis, histoplasmosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, and others. Has been used to potentiate antifungal effects of flucytosine (Ancobon) and to provide anticandidal prophylaxis in certain susceptible patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Used topically for cutaneous and mucocutaneous infections caused by Candida (monilia). Abelcet: aspergillosis.

Unlabeled Uses

Treatment of candiduria, fungal endocarditis, meningitis, septicemia; fungal infections of urinary bladder and urinary tract; amebic meningoencephalitis, and paracoccidioidomycosis.


Hypersensitivity to amphotericin.

Cautious Use

Severe bone marrow depression or renal function impairment. Safety during pregnancy (category B) or lactation is not established.

Route & Dosage

Systemic Infections [Amphocin, Fungizone]
Adult: IV Test Dose 1 mg dissolved in 20 mL of D5W by slow infusion (over 10–30 min) IV Maintenance Dose 0.25–0.3 mg/kg/day infused over 4–6 h, may gradually increase by 0.5–0.75 mg/kg/d up to 1–1.5 mg/kg/d
Child: IV Test Dose 0.1 mg/kg up to 1 mg dissolved in 20 mL of D5W by slow infusion (over 10–30 min) IV Maintenance Dose 0.4 mg/kg/d infused over 4–6 h, may increase by 0.25 mg/kg/d to target dose of 0.25–1 mg/kg/d infused over 2–6 h

Adult/Child: IV 3–5 mg/kg/d infused at 2.5 mg/kg/h

Adult/Child: IV Test Dose 10 mL (1.6–8.3 mg) of initial dose infused over 10–30 min IV Maintenance Dose 3–4 mg/kg/d (max: 7.5 mg/kg/d) infused at 1 mg/kg/h

Adult/Child: IV 3–5 mg/kg/d infused over 1–2 h

Cryptococcal Meningitis in HIV [AmBisome]
Adult: IV 6 mg/kg/d infused over 2 h

Candiduria [Amphocin, Fungizone]
Adult: Irrigation 5–50 mg/1000 mL sterile water instilled continuously into the bladder via a 3-way closed drainage catheter system at a rate of 1000 mL/24 h

Oral Candidiasis [Fungizone]
Adult/Child: PO 100 mg swish & swallow q.i.d.

Cutaneous Candidiasis [Fungizone]
Adult/Child/Infant: Topical apply to lesions 2–4 times/d for 1–4 wks


Topical Application

PREPARE: Each brand of amphotericin is prepared differently according to manufacturer's directions. Refer to specific manufacturer's guidelines for preparation of IV solutions.  

ADMINISTER: Abelcet Intermittent: • Flush existing IV line with D5W before infusion.• Use 5 micron in-line filter. Infuse total daily dose at 2.5 mg/kg/h.• Shake IV bag at least q2h to evenly mix solution. Amphotec Intermittent: •  Do not use an in-line filter.• Infuse total daily dose at 1 mg/kg/h. Infusion time may be shortened but should never be <2 h. Infusion time may also be extended for better tolerance. AmBisome Intermittent: • Do not use an in-line filter.• Infuse total daily dose over 2 h. Infusion time may be shortened but should never be <1 h.  Fungizone Intermittent: • Use a 1-micron filter.• Infuse total daily dose over 2–6 h. Use longer infusion time for better tolerance.• Alert: Rapid infusion of any amphotericin can cause cardiovascular collapse. If hypotension or arrhythmias develop interrupt infusion and notify physician.• Protect IV solution from light during administration.• Note incompatibilities. When given through an existing IV line, flush before and after with D5W.• Initiate therapy using the most distal vein possible and alternate sites with each dose if possible to reduce the risk of thrombophlebitis.• Check IV site frequently for patency. 

INCOMPATIBILITIES Solution/additive: Any saline-containing solution (precipitate will form), parenteral nutrition solutions, calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, cimetidine, edetate calcium disodium, metaraminol, methyldopa, polymyxin, potassium chloride, ranitidine, verapamil. Y-site: aminoglycosides, penicillins, phenothiazines, clindamycin, cotrimoxazole, diphenhydramine, dopamine, dobutamine, heparin (flush lines with D5W, not NS), lidocaine, procaine, tetracycline, fluconazole, vitamins, TPN.

Do not mix Abelcet or Amphotec with any other drugs.

Adverse Effects (1%)

Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity (pruritus, urticaria, skin rashes, fever, dyspnea, anaphylaxis); fever, chills. CNS: Headache, sedation, muscle pain, arthralgia, weakness. CV: Hypotension, cardiac arrest. Special Senses: Ototoxicity with tinnitus, vertigo, loss of hearing. GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric cramps, anorexia, weight loss. Hematologic: Anemia, thrombocytopenia. Metabolic: Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia. Urogenital: Nephrotoxicity, urine with low specific gravity. Skin: Dry, erythema, pruritus, burning sensation; allergic contact dermatitis, exacerbation of lesions. Other: Pain; arthralgias, thrombophlebitis (IV site), superinfections.


Drug: aminoglycosides, capreomycin, cisplatin, carboplatin, colistin, cyclosporine, mechlorethamine, furosemide, vancomycin increase the possibility of nephrotoxicity; corticosteroids potentiate hypokalemia; with digitalis glycosides, hypokalemia increases the risk of digitalis toxicity.


Peak: 1–2 h after IV infusion. Duration: 20 h. Distribution: Minimal amounts enter CNS, eye, bile, pleural, pericardial, synovial, or amniotic fluids; similar plasma and urine concentrations. Elimination: Excreted renally; can be detected in blood up to 4 wk and in urine for 4–8 wk after discontinuing therapy. Half-Life: 24–48 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug