Bucladin-S Softab
Classifications: antihistamine; antivertigo
Prototype: Meclizine
Pregnancy Category: C


50 mg tablets


A piperazine derivative structurally and pharmacologically related to meclizine and cyclizine. Mechanism of action not precisely known but may be related to its central anticholinergic actions. It diminishes vestibular stimulation and depresses labyrinthine function. Action on the medullary chemoreceptive trigger zone (CTZ) may also be involved in its antiemetic effect.

Therapeutic Effects

Exhibits antihistaminic, anticholinergic, antivertigo, CNS depressant, and local anesthetic effects.


Prevention and treatment of motion sickness and the symptomatic treatment of vertigo.


Hypersensitivity to buclizine hydrochloride, children <2 y, older adults, pregnancy (category C), lactation, Reye's syndrome.

Cautious Use

Patients also receiving other CNS depressants or depressant drugs; angle-closure glaucoma; prostatic hypertrophy; bladder neck obstruction; pyloroduodenal obstruction.

Route & Dosage

Motion Sickness
Adult: PO 50 mg 30 min before travel, may repeat in 4–6 h if needed

Adult: PO 50 mg 1–3 times/d



Adverse Effects (1%)

CNS: Drowsiness, headache, jitteriness. GI: Dry mouth, nausea.

Diagnostic Test Interference

May interfere with allergy skin tests.


Drug: Alcohol and other cns depressants compound CNS depression.


Absorption: Readily absorbed from GI tract. Onset: 1 h. Duration: 4–6 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug