Florinef Acetate
Classifications: hormone and synthetic substitute; adrenal corticosteroid; mineralocorticoid; antiinflammatory agent
Pregnancy Category: C


0.1 mg tablets


Long-acting synthetic steroid with potent mineralocorticoid and moderate glucocorticoid activity. Small doses produce marked sodium retention, increased urinary potassium excretion, and elevated BP.

Therapeutic Effects

Synthetic corticosteroid replacement product for adrenocortical insufficiency.


Partial replacement therapy for adrenocortical insufficiency and for treatment of salt-losing forms of congenital adrenogenital syndrome.

Unlabeled Uses

To increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients with severe hypotension secondary to diabetes mellitus or to levodopa therapy.


Hypersensitivity to glucocorticoids, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, psychoses, acute glomerulonephritis, viral or bacterial diseases of skin, infections not controlled by antibiotics, active or latent amebiasis, hypercorticism (Cushing's syndrome), smallpox vaccination or other immunologic procedures. Topical steroids are contraindicated in presence of varicella, vaccinia, on surfaces with compromised circulation, and in children <2 y.

Cautious Use

Children; diabetes mellitus; chronic, active hepatitis positive for hepatitis B surface antigen; hyperlipidemia; cirrhosis; stromal herpes simplex; glaucoma, tuberculosis of eye; osteoporosis; convulsive disorders; hypothyroidism; diverticulitis; nonspecific ulcerative colitis; fresh intestinal anastomoses; active or latent peptic ulcer; gastritis; esophagitis; thromboembolic disorders; CHF; metastatic carcinoma; hypertension; renal insufficiency; history of allergies; active or arrested tuberculosis; systemic fungal infection; myasthenia gravis. Safety in pregnancy (category C) or lactation is not established.

Route & Dosage

Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Adult: PO 0.1 mg/d, may range from 0.1 mg 3 times/wk to 0.2 mg/d
Child: PO 0.05–0.1 mg/d

Salt-Losing Adrenogenital Syndrome
Adult: PO 0.1–0.2 mg/d
Child: PO 0.05–0.1 mg/d



Adverse Effects (1%)

CNS: Vertigo, headache, nystagmus, increased intracranial pressure with papilledema (usually after discontinuation of medication), mental disturbances, aggravation of preexisting psychiatric conditions, insomnia, ataxia (rare). CV: CHF, hypertension, thromboembolism (rare), tachycardia. Endocrine: Suppressed linear growth in children, decreased glucose tolerance; hyperglycemia, manifestations of latent diabetes mellitus; hypocorticism; amenorrhea and other menstrual difficulties. Special Senses: Posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma, exophthalmos, increased intraocular pressure with optic nerve damage, perforation of the globe. Metabolic: Hypocalcemia; sodium and fluid retention; hypokalemia and hypokalemic alkalosis, negative nitrogen balance, decreased serum concentration of vitamins A and C. GI: Nausea, increased appetite, ulcerative esophagitis, pancreatitis, abdominal distension, peptic ulcer with perforation and hemorrhage, melena. Hematologic: Thrombocytopenia. Musculoskeletal: (long-term use) Osteoporosis, compression fractures, muscle wasting and weakness, tendon rupture, aseptic necrosis of femoral and humeral heads. Skin: Skin thinning and atrophy, acne, impaired wound healing; petechiae, ecchymosis, easy bruising; suppression of skin test reaction; hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation, hirsutism, acneiform eruptions, subcutaneous fat atrophy; allergic dermatitis, urticaria, angioneurotic edema, increased sweating. Body as a Whole: Anaphylactoid reactions (rare), aggravation or masking of infections; malaise, weight gain, obesity. Urogenital: Increased or decreased motility and number of sperm.


Drug: The antidiabetic effects of insulin and sulfonylureas may be diminished; amphotericin B, diuretics may increase potassium loss; warfarin may decrease prothrombin time; indomethacin, ibuprofen can potentiate the pressor effect of fludrocortisone; anabolic steroids increase risk of edema and acne; rifampin may increase the hepatic metabolism of fludrocortisone.


Absorption: Readily absorbed from GI tract. Peak: 1.7 h. Metabolism: Metabolized in liver. Half-Life: 3.5 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug