Classifications: central nervous system agent; anxiolytic; sedative-hypnotic; benzodiazepine
Pregnancy Category: D
Controlled Substance: Schedule IV


0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg tablets; 2 mg/mL oral solution; 2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL injection


Most potent of the available benzodiazepines. Effects (anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, and skeletal muscle relaxant) are mediated by the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. Action sites: thalamic, hypothalamic, and limbic levels of CNS.

Therapeutic Effects

Antianxiety agent that also causes mild suppression of REM sleep, while increasing total sleep time.


Management of anxiety disorders and for short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety. Also used for preanesthetic medication to produce sedation and to reduce anxiety and recall of events related to day of surgery; for management of status epilepticus.

Unlabeled Uses

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.


Known sensitivity to benzodiazepines; acute narrow-angle glaucoma; primary depressive disorders or psychosis; children <12 y (PO preparation); coma, shock, acute alcohol intoxication; pregnancy (category D), and lactation.

Cautious Use

Renal or hepatic impairment; organic brain syndrome; myasthenia gravis; narrow-angle glaucoma; suicidal tendency; GI disorders; older adult and debilitated patients; limited pulmonary reserve.

Route & Dosage

Adult: PO 2–6 mg/d in divided doses (max: 10 mg/d)
Geriatric: PO 0.5–1 mg/d (max: 2 mg/d)
Child: PO/IV 0.05 mg/kg q4–8h (max: 2 mg/dose)

Adult: PO 2–4 mg at bedtime
Geriatric: PO 0.5–1 mg h.s.

Adult: IM 2–4 mg (0.05 mg/kg) at least 2 h before surgery IV 0.044 mg/kg up to 2 mg 15–20 min before surgery
Child: PO/IV/IM 0.05 mg/kg (range: 0.02–0.09 mg/kg)

Status Epilepticus
Adult: IV 4 mg injected slowly at 2 mg/min, may repeat dose once if inadequate response after 10 min
Child: IV 0.1 mg/kg slow IV over 2–5 min (max: 4 mg/dose), may repeat with 0.05 mg in 10–15 min if needed
Neonate: IV 0.05 mg/kg over 2–5 min, may repeat in 10–15 min


  • IV administration to neonates, infants, children: Verify correct IV concentration and rate of infusion with physician.
  • Patients >50 y may have more profound and prolonged sedation with IV lorazepam (usual max: initial dose of 2 mg).

PREPARE: Direct: Prepare lorazepam immediately before use. Dilute with an equal volume of sterile water, D5W, or NS.  

ADMINISTER: Direct: Inject directly into vein or into IV infusion tubing at rate not to exceed 2 mg/min and with repeated aspiration to confirm IV entry. Take extreme precautions to PREVENT intraarterial injection and perivascular extravasation.  

INCOMPATIBILITIES Y-site: Idarubicin, omeprazole, ondansetron, sargramostim, sufentanil, TPN with albumin.

Adverse Effects (1%)

Body as a Whole: Usually disappear with continued medication or with reduced dosage. CNS: Anterograde amnesia, drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, weakness, unsteadiness, disorientation, depression, sleep disturbance, restlessness, confusion, hallucinations. CV: Hypertension or hypotension. Special Senses: Blurred vision, diplopia; depressed hearing. GI: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, anorexia.


Drug: Alcohol, cns depressants, anticonvulsants potentiate CNS depression; cimetidine increases lorazepam plasma levels, increases toxicity; lorazepam may decrease antiparkinsonism effects of levodopa; may increase phenytoin levels; smoking decreases sedative and antianxiety effects. Herbal: Kava-kava, valerian may potentiate sedation.


Absorption: Readily absorbed from GI tract. Onset: 1–5 min IV; 15–30 min IM. Peak: 60–90 min IM; 2 h PO. Duration: 12–24 h. Distribution: Crosses placenta; distributed into breast milk. Metabolism: Not metabolized in liver. Elimination: Excreted in urine. Half-Life: 10–20 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug