Apo-K , K-10, Kalium Durules , Kaochlor, Kaochlor-20 Concentrate, Kaon-Cl, Kato, KCl 5% and 20%, K-Long , Klor, Klor-10%, Klor-Con, Kloride, Klorvess, Klotrix, K-Dur, K-Lyte/Cl, K-tab, Micro-K Extentabs, Novolente K , Roychlor 10% and 20% , Rum-K, SK-Potassium Chloride, Slo-Pot , Slow-K
Kaon, Kaylixir, K-G Elixir, Potassium Rougier , Royonate 
Classifications: electrolytic and water balance agent; replacement solution
Pregnancy Category: A


Chloride 6.7 mEq, 8 mEq, 10 mEq, 20 mEq sustained release tablets; 500 mg, 595 mg tablets; 20 mEq, 25 mEq, 50 mEq effervescent tablets; 20 mEq/15 mL, 40 mEq/15 mL, 45 mEq/15 mL liquid; 15 mEq, 20 mEq, 25 mEq powder; 2 mEq/mL injection; 10 mEq, 20 mEq, 30 mEq, 40 mEq, 60 mEq, 90 mEq vials

Gluconate 20 mEq/15 mL liquid


Principal intracellular cation; essential for maintenance of intracellular isotonicity, transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles, maintenance of normal kidney function, and for enzyme activity. Plays a prominent role in both formation and correction of imbalances in acid–base metabolism.

Therapeutic Effects

Given special importance as therapeutic agents but are also dangerous if improperly prescribed and administered. Utilized for treatment of hypokalemia.


To prevent and treat potassium deficit secondary to diuretic or corticosteroid therapy. Also indicated when potassium is depleted by severe vomiting, diarrhea; intestinal drainage, fistulas, or malabsorption; prolonged diuresis, diabetic acidosis. Effective in the treatment of hypokalemic alkalosis (chloride, not the gluconate).


Severe renal impairment; severe hemolytic reactions; untreated Addison's disease; crush syndrome; early postoperative oliguria (except during GI drainage); adynamic ileus; acute dehydration; heat cramps, hyperkalemia, patients receiving potassium-sparing diuretics, digitalis intoxication with AV conduction disturbance.

Cautious Use

Cardiac or kidney disease; systemic acidosis; slow-release potassium preparations in presence of delayed GI transit or Meckel's diverticulum; extensive tissue breakdown (such as severe burns); pregnancy (category A); lactation.

Route & Dosage

Adult: PO 10–100 mEq/d in divided doses IV 10–40 mEq/h diluted to at least 10–20 mEq/100 mL of solution (max: 200–400 mEq/d, monitor higher doses carefully)
Child: PO 1–3 mEq/kg/d in divided doses; sustained release tablets not recommended in children IV Up to 3 mEq/kg/24 h at a rate <0.02 mEq/kg/min



PREPARE: IV Infusion: Add desired amount to 100–1000 mL IV solution (compatible with all standard solutions). Usual maximum is 80 mEq/1000 mL, however, 40 mEq/L is preferred to lessen irritation to veins. Note: never add KCl to an IV bag/bottle which is hanging. After adding KCl invert bag/bottle several times to ensure even distribution.  

ADMINISTER: IV Infusion: KCl is never given IV push or in concentrated amounts by any route. Infuse at rate not to exceed 10 mEq/h. Adult patients with severe potassium depletion may be able to tolerate 20 mEq/h. Too rapid infusion may cause fatal hyperkalemia.  

  • Take extreme care to prevent extravasation and infiltration. At first sign, discontinue infusion and select another site.

INCOMPATIBILITIES Solution/additive: Amphotericin B, dobutamine (potassium phosphate only). Y-site: Amphotericin B cholesteryl complex, diazepam, ergotamine, methylprednisolone, phenytoin, promethazine.

Adverse Effects (1%)

GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distension. Body as a Whole: Pain, mental confusion, irritability, listlessness, paresthesias of extremities, muscle weakness and heaviness of limbs, difficulty in swallowing, flaccid paralysis. Urogenital: Oliguria, anuria. Hematologic: Hyperkalemia. Respiratory: Respiratory distress. CV: Hypotension, bradycardia; cardiac depression, arrhythmias, or arrest; altered sensitivity to digitalis glycosides. ECG changes in hyperkalemia: Tenting (peaking) of T wave (especially in right precordial leads), lowering of R with deepening of S waves and depression of RST; prolonged P-R interval, widened QRS complex, decreased amplitude and disappearance of P waves, prolonged Q-T interval, signs of right and left bundle block, deterioration of QRS contour and finally ventricular fibrillation and death.


Drug: potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ace) inhibitors may cause hyperkalemia.


Absorption: Readily absorbed from upper GI tract. Elimination: 90% excreted in urine, 10% in feces.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Patient & Family Education

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug