2-PAM, Protopam Chloride
Classifications: antidote
Pregnancy Category: C


600 mg, 1 g injection


Reactivates cholinesterase inhibited by phosphate esters by displacing the enzyme from its receptor sites; the free enzyme then can resume its function of degrading accumulated acetylcholine, thereby restoring normal neuromuscular transmission.

Therapeutic Effects

Less effective against carbamate anticholinesterases (ambenonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine). More active against effects of anticholinesterases at skeletal neuromuscular junction than at autonomic effector sites or in CNS respiratory center; therefore, atropine must be given concomitantly to block effects of acetylcholine and its accumulation in these sites.


As antidote in treatment of poisoning by organophosphate insecticides and pesticides with anticholinesterase activity (e.g., parathion, TEPP, sarin) and to control overdosage by anticholinesterase drugs used in treatment of myasthenia gravis (cholinergic crisis).

Unlabeled Uses

To reverse toxicity of echothiophate ophthalmic solution.


Use in poisoning by carbamate insecticide Sevin, inorganic phosphates, or organophosphates having no anticholinesterase activity; asthma, peptic ulcer, severe cardiac disease, patients receiving aminophylline, theophylline, morphine, succinylcholine, reserpine, or phenothiazines; pregnancy (category C).

Cautious Use

Myasthenia gravis; renal insufficiency; concomitant use of barbiturates in organophosphorous poisoning; lactation, children.

Route & Dosage

Organophosphate Poisoning
Adult: IV 1–2 g in 100 mL NS infused over 15–30 min; or 1–2 g as 5% solution in sterile water over not less than 5 min, may repeat after 1 h if muscle weakness not relieved IM/SC 1–2 g if IV route is not feasible
Child: IV 20–40 mg/kg. May repeat in 1–2 h if needed.

Anticholinesterase Overdose in Myasthenia Gravis
Adult: IV 1–2 g in 100 mL NS infused over 15–30 min, followed by increments of 250 mg q5min prn



PREPARE: Direct: Reconstitute 1-g vial by adding 20 mL NS to yield 50 mg/mL (a 5% solution). If pulmonary edema is present, give without further dilution.  IV Infusion: Preferred method is to further dilute in 100 mL NS.  

ADMINISTER: Direct: In pulmonary edema, 1 g or fraction thereof over 5 min; do not exceed 200 mg/min.  IV Infusion: Give over 15–30 min (preferred).  

  • Stop infusion and reduce rate if hypertension occurs.

Adverse Effects (1%)

CNS: Dizziness, headache, drowsiness. GI: Nausea. Special Senses: Blurred vision, diplopia, impaired accommodation. CV: Tachycardia, hypertension (dose-related). Body as a Whole: Hyperventilation, muscular weakness, laryngospasm, muscle rigidity.


Drug: May potentiate the effects of barbiturates.


Peak: 5–15 min IV; 10–20 min IM. Distribution: Distributed throughout extracellular fluids; crosses blood–brain barrier slowly if at all. Metabolism: Probably metabolized in liver. Elimination: Rapidly excreted in urine. Half-Life: 0.8–2.7 h.

Nursing Implications

Assessment & Drug Effects

Common adverse effects in italic, life-threatening effects underlined; generic names in bold; classifications in SMALL CAPS; Canadian drug name; Prototype drug